Local search optimization is very powerful, especially for small businesses. About four out of five customers use search engines to find local information. This means businesses will be missing out on 80% of potential customers if they’re not optimized for local search.

But just how do you get your website noticed with local search optimization?

How To Achieve Local Search Optimization? Optimize Everything

By everything, we mean everything. URL, meta description, content, headers and title tags. Of course, too much of anything isn’t a good thing. But by making sure your website is optimized appropriately greatly increases your chance of being noticed online. Also, the key to optimization is to use high-volume keywords.

Create Local Content

Writing about general topics attract a wide crowd. If you write about local or industry news this will attract a local audience. For example, you can write about education content on your blog. Specifically, something that promotes local industry gatherings and employees.

Take Advantage Of Google My Business

Help your business meet Google’s needs by using Google My Business. It’s a tool that Google uses to help verify whether or not your business is authentic. The great thing about it is Google may potentially reward your business with a sidebar space (that is if you meet their needs of course).

First and foremost you’ll have to create and verify a Google My Business page. You’ll also have to encourage customers to share reviews. A great way to do this is to respond to them while specifying the location. Finally, you can also use Google Posts. 

Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly

The majority of people conduct local searches on their handheld devices. To be exact 9 out of 10 people use their cell phones for local searches. Because of this make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Build Your Reputation With Inbound Links 

Inbound links are very powerful. Why? They give your business relevance and authority. They boost your local SEO because of every inbound link. This tells Google that you’re the real deal. In other words, it tells Google that you’re a legitimate company.

You can do this by starting your own personal network, sponsoring a webinar or meet up, or even hosting a community event. Building relationships with prominent people and influencers is a great way to get inbound links. You can also consider writing guest blogs.

Local search optimization is important for any local business. It’s a part of any SEO strategy that will help your audience find your business when they search online. Why not start a conversation with us about optimizing your site for local audiences today?